Do you want to play guitar? drums? bass? piano? sing? record your own songs?
Whatever you want we provide, we have amazing teachers that can relate to your directon and style. We will provide you with the best tools to have, so you can excel at your instrument.
Private lessons
A fresh and exciting approach to learning your instrument. Who wants to go for a whole lesson on scales? Or theory? Do you want to sit around a campfire playing scales? No. You want to play the songs you grew up listening to.
40 minute one on one lessons, based on your choice of music and songs. You will slowly learn theory and techniques in a fun and easy way.
Rockband group lessons
Learn as a band and perfrom as a band for the whole year.
We also offer;
Writing and recording camp.
5 days of learning how to write songs, get your ideas out, how to structure and finally record your song on professional gear to share with your friends and family.
Rock and Roll Boot camp.
Oh man! 2 weeks of learning great songs, rehearsal, stage presence, and finally the mother of all shows. You will be a rockstar this summer for sure!
Every summer is a different theme. Last year Metallicamp was amazing, followed by Classic Rock and Metal Camp.
This year will be another great theme.
Beginner guitar camp.
A fun way to guitar/bass introduction. Get the basics down to learn a few fun songs, you wont believe what you can do in a short period of time. Give it a try!